New play, new camera, old heart

11 01 2008

The new play is out today. It is called Squidzoid vs Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal.

The play includes a reporter with a camera. If you are wearing the camera and wave, the camera takes a picture with a flash.


That’s my friend Steel Pit taking a photo of me. lol

And the heart emote is back. Press E and H to get the heart or find it with the other emotes. I kind of liked not seeing penguins flashing hearts all the time but I’m glad Club Penguin listened to everyone and brought it back.


Waddle on!

~Mr Snowball3~

The heart is coming back

9 01 2008

Club Penguin’s Billybob says the heart emote is coming back this Friday because it can be used for good as well as not good reasons.

Waddle on!

~Mr Snowball3~